Did you know falls are the 6th leading cause of death in seniors? 40% of Nursing Home admissions are related to a fall. Approximately 1.6 million ER visits are due to falls. Falls are PREVENTABLE in most cases and the fall risk can be reduced regardless of age!

Ways to prevent falls:
1. See a Doctor and/or a Physical Therapist
- A doctor can review your present medical history, fall history, medication list,
assess your vision, balance, etc to find the root of the problem.
- A PT can evaluate your overall functional ability and develop a treatment plan to
improve your deficits. A PT can also assess your home environment and suggest
environmental modifications to make you safer at home.
- A healthcare professional will be best able to guide you or your loved one in the
right direction for your individual needs. It’s what we do!
2. Exercise!
- Inactivity is a major contributor to the decline in function as we age.
- Studies show:
- It is never too late to begin an exercise program (as long as your doctor
- Exercise decreases fall risk, risk of fractures, helps to manage chronic
conditions (hypertension, diabetes, etc.), has psychological benefits, and social
benefits to increase one’s confidence in his/her balance.
- A PT evaluation will assess your individual needs to choose the best exercises for
YOU, but generally speaking exercises, that target: range of motion, strength,
balance, coordination, core strength, posture, and reaction times are most
important. Strength training with weights or therabands are essential and muscle
groups to target include hip extensors, knee extensors, his abductors, ankle plantar
flexors, and dorsiflexors, and core strength (all essential muscles in daily tasks like
sit to stand transfers and walking).
3. Maintenance Programs
- Once you have achieved your PT goals you can maintain your exercise program
by continuing the home exercise program your therapist issues you and/or
participate in
- Silver Sneakers Program
- Home exercise videos (Available on the National Institute on Aging Website)
- Local Gym
- Aquatic sessions
- Tai Chi/Yoga/Pilates Classes
4. Other Tips
- Get rid of your throw rugs
- Tidy your home to prevent tripping
- Wear sensible shoes (no socks or flip flops)
- Keep home well-lit (night lights, lamps close to bed, light up stair wells and
- Equip your home with grab bards, hand rails, tub/shower seats, etc per the advice
of your occupational and/or physical therapist
- Store dishes/food in easy to reach areas
- Slow Down
- Life Alert System
- Don’t do any activity that is beyond your physical capability
Stay safe, independent, and happy by lowering your fall risk!
Resources: https://www.ahrq.gov/patient-safety/settings/long-term-care/resource/injuries/fallspx/man1.html
About Advanced Home Health
Advanced Home Health is a local, family-owned, home health and home care provider located in Western PA, servicing Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, and Washington Counties.

To learn more visit: www.advancedhomehealth.com or call 412-344-4100.