The holidays can bring about an exciting atmosphere – gathering with family, holiday shopping, cookie baking, and much more! However, as exciting as the holiday season can be, it can also be very draining and stressful. If we add on the global pandemic, that adds another layer of stress, anxiety, and fear for families, individuals, and older people who may not be able to see their loved ones.
During this holiday season, take some extra time to make sure you are mentally and physically at your best so you aren’t pouring from an empty cup. Here are some suggestions for you from our Behavioral Health partner, Zandier Counseling Service Group, on how to reduce stress and maintain strong mental health during this holiday season and beyond!

1. Be acceptable of yourself and your needs
The most important person to take care of is you! If you feel the need to take a nap
after work to clear your mind and destress, then you should do that! If you enjoy
working out to calm down after a long day, schedule time in your calendar. Like
mentioned above, you can’t pour from an empty cup.
2. Be thankful
Make a list of everything you are grateful for each day and reference it whenever you are
feeling down. Despite everything happening in the world, there is always a silver lining
and it is important that you remember that!
3. Manage your time
It’s okay to not say yes to everything! You do not have to do it all and you’re certainly
not expected to. Properly manage your time so you do not feel overwhelmed or stress
this holiday season.
4. Have boundaries
Allow yourself to feel your feelings but don’t let the uncontrollable nature of life get to
you. Family dynamics can be tough, by setting boundaries you’re able to better manage
those triggers.
5. Plan ahead
Make a list and stick to it! If you’re able to set aside dedicated days to holiday
shopping, baking, and hanging with family it will help you manage those feelings of
being overwhelmed. By sticking to your schedule, you’re able to make sure everything
gets done without rushing around.
We wish you and your loved ones a joyous and wonderful holiday season!
If you or someone you love is struggling with stress, depression, or anxiety, please give us a call at 412-344-4100.
About Advanced Home Health
Advanced Home Health is a local, family-owned, home health and home care provider located in Western PA, servicing Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence, and Washington Counties.

To learn more visit: or call 412-344-4100.