Written by: Danielle Dadig, Marketing Strategist and Rachel Derr, Physical Therapist
Physical Therapy is listed as one of the top 10 happiest jobs in America according to Forbes! Physical therapists allow individuals to recover from an injury, elective surgery, chronic condition, or prevent a future injury. The ultimate goal of all physical therapists is to improve the overall human function of the individuals they serve. Physical therapists are able to work in a variety of settings including skilled nursing facilities, outpatient clinics, fitness centers, private homes, schools and more!

What is Physical Therapy?
Physical therapists allow people to achieve their goals while restoring their mobility and function. PTs are able to assess a person’s current state and medical history which allows them to create an actionable plan of care. This actionable plan of care will allow the patient to improve their overall health and independence in their everyday life through hands-on care and patient education. The PT’s main goal is to improve the individual’s mobility, lessen their pain, and get their patient back in motion.
How Does a Physical Therapist Help?
A physical therapist can help in a multitude of ways! Whether you have undergone a life-altering surgery or want to take preventative measures, physical therapists are able to provide exercises and insight to allow their patients to improve their quality of life. After they perform their initial evaluation assessment, they are able to determine the patient’s clinical needs and determine their goals. For home health geriatric patients, a PT treatment care plan may include the following objectives:
Improving pain at a joint from high levels to manageable levels (for example, pain rated 8/10 to 2/10) in order to sleep undisturbed through the night.
Improving joint range of motion to normal range of motion limits in order to perform actives of daily living such as dressing, bathing, fixing hair, etc. at an independent level.
Improving the patient’s mobility by achieving a normalized gait pattern and ambulating at an independent and safe level in order for the patient to navigate the length of their home safely without fatigue.
Improving strength of a group of weakened muscles to achieve a 5/5 grade on a manual muscle test in order to navigate up/down a full flight of steps safely and independently in order for the patient to exit their home safely in case of an emergency.
Improving balance tests (for example to improve the Timed Up and Go test from 25 sec to 13 sec) to decrease the patient’s fall risk.
No falls or hospitalizations during the patient’s certification period.
Independence and compliance demonstrated by the patient with performing a home exercise program in order to improve his/her own quality of life and well-being.

In order to achieve the above goals, a PT treatment might consist of: stretching of tight muscles, strengthening of weakened muscles, a postural re-education, balance activities, endurance and cardiopulmonary training, gait and transfer training, neuromuscular re-education, stair training, issuing a thorough home exercise program, and manual treatments including massage, joint mobilizations, and passive range of motion.
The treatment plan and goals listed above are just an example. All treatments and goals are individualized and specific to the patients’ needs. Our PTs, want their patients to achieve their specific goals and they will create an individualized plan to address the specific limitations and issues of each patient in order to achieve optimal outcomes. At Advanced Home Health, our goal is keep our patients healthy, happy, and safe in the place they call home for as long as possible!
About Advanced Home Health

Advanced Home Health is a local, family-owned, home health and home care provider located in Western PA, servicing Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence
and Washington Counties.
To learn more visit: www.advancedhomehealth.com or call 412-344-4100.